Cute dangling toes....
So excited! Sure wish I knew what they were talking so passionately about [or plotting ;)].
Towards the end Justin kept putting his hand on her tray trying to get her attention. He got her attention all right. First few times she would smile and play and then she kept getting more and more upset at him and she started to take his hand off the tray and squak at him [we all know she is a little doll but the girl has attitude and lets you know how she feels.] Justin thought this was great fun so he kept doing it. This picture she has the "I mean it." look in her eyes and it makes me laugh. Here she is being serious about, 'leave me alone and my high chair alone. I'll just sit here without you touching me.' ;) Justin just kept laughing and thinking it was great fun. He's such a tease already! So fun to watch them interact with each other and their world.
Thanks for coming to play Justin! We had so much fun!