We finally did it. Elaina moved up to Marcus' room last Saturday. When we first started talking to both of them Marcus was only ever VERY excited to get to have Elaina as a room mate and Elaina was pretty excited too! Her little stories and animations as we talked to her were adorable. She felt so big all day as we moved her things and talked to her more to try and make the transition an easy one for her.

Marcus excited to share his room with his sister and have a room mate!

Getting her blanket ready just so....

Total poser! ;)

Trying to settle down. SO excited!

Marcus pretending to be asleep....funny kid.


We have a monitor in their room but I had to go sneak a peak of my sleeping angels. They were passed out! The transition for her and Marcus was smooth and positive. Only problem we encountered was the first night. After I got a few pictures and said goodnight for I dunno, the 10t
h time, I just hung out in the kitchen for a minute to make sure they were going to settle down. All of a sudden I hear Marcus
screaming and shouting at Elaina. I go in to see what the matter was and through his alligator tears he tells me that Elaina got up and out of bed and closed the door all of the way and he didn't want it closed all the way!! He has always slept with the lamp on and the door open enough that we can stick our whole head in - many nights us having to prove to him that we can in fact fit our whole head through the opening. We told him with him starting preschool this fall it was time for him to graduate to sleeping with just a night light and the door being open just a crack. Reason being, Elaina is use to sleeping with the lights all off and the door closed and I don't want to make her afraid of the dark and afraid of having doors closed at nearly 2 years old so this is ONE of the times little sis gets to help her big brother to be brave and strong. After I reminded him that he was a big boy now and that Elaina was right across the room and she would help him to not be scared and that she's not even 2 and wasn't afraid - he found new found courage and was
OK after some more hugs and kisses. Marcus slept from then until morning and Elaina did wake up with her said little cry twice but after hearing a reassuring voice [Manny the first time and me the second time] she was out for the count. Sunday night she fell out of bed but otherwise slept through the night. Only draw back thus far is both Sunday and today she woke up early [it's much brighter in their room in the morning] but that's going to put a damper on me getting to sleep in the days I have to work at night but I'm sure we will adapt to that in time as well. This was a perfect weekend to do it because we had Marcus 3 nights instead of 2 so he was really able to help to make the transition easier, more fun and positive for her - and us too.

Marcus when I checked back to make sure they were okay. ;)
Love you two to pieces!
Sweet Dreams