The last 3 months have brought about a LOT of unexpected little ripples which have delayed just about all of my plans/ambitions or cancelled them completely. Here we are in June and I still haven't taken Marcus to do his 5 year old milestone pictures. Today, I was bound and determined to finally make it happen so I started to get him ready to go. Elaina seeing we were getting ready to go do pictures took it upon herself to go and finish getting herself ready. She got a little pink and brown sundress back in the Spring which she hadn't worn yet due to our cold Spring we had this year. It being a beautiful and warm day, I put that on her today. While doing Marcus' hair I hear her coming down the stairs. She had gone and got her little cowgirl boots and put them on as well as her pink cowgirl hat. She looked so stinkin' cute and I couldn't believe how well she matched her little outfit. She says, "I'm to go Mommy." She certainly was, she looked so cute, I told her I was gonna take a few pictures of my best cowgirl even though she had scratched her little face up at her Aunt's house a few days before. I put a few loose curls in her locks, we packed up the camera and William and off we went. We had fun but they were clearly more interested in the many ducks and geese and other random animals walking about to focus on posing for pictures. I still got a few cute shots.
It was dinner time afterwards and Lainey said she wanted pizza for dinner. We decided to grab a pizza to go and eat it at the park and let the kids run around afterwards and play. It was a lot fun to just chill and enjoy each others company and the beautiful weather. They had a blast running around chasing each other and playing on the playground, they even chased Popi down the hill and saw bats flying around which they thought was awesome!