Our little 'Lainers,' 8 Months Old and Growing fast!

She loves to clap!

Our little Elaina

That big grin, melts your heart into a puddle...how I'm going to discipline her...I dunno ;)

8 months old! Elaina continues to roll everywhere [even off the bed a couple of times :( ]. She still pulls herself up and around, today I thought she was going to pull herself up onto the couch, had her carseat not been in the way, she may have just done so. She is getting stronger at standing on her little legs, pretty soon she'll be running with the other kids! We experience so many joys being parents. With having to share Marcus, there is a lot of pain and hurt and sadness that comes with his joy. It's definitely difficult to be a way from such an amazing little guy, with Elaina - we get to experience that joy 24/7. She doesn't replace Marcus at all as he is his own little person, but it helps to hold one baby when you can't the other. Parenthood has brought such a joy and sweetness to our lives and we are so blessed to such amazing children.

Bath time! Her hair got cut off here, that was the best part! :) So bonita!

She LOVES to splash!! Most days she gets me very wet, which I don't care unless I'm ready first - which doesn't happen too often. She is always entertaining and fun to watch her explore her world. I love how kids are fascinated and happy with the littlest things in life!

Oh, man! I tried, they got out of order....oh well. I had bathed her and done her hair and she was having a very good hair day, good day for cute naked baby pictures...:) Gotta love the drool!

Trying to call Daddy and Marcus..."I know this thing works, but how?"

Standing up ALL BY HERSELF!!! Getting so BIG! [tear]

I decided she's too big to carry around in her car seat so, this is her second time in the cart at the store. She feels so big. Her little wrist are excited as well as the feet and she is so alert and concerned with everything going on. She loves being a 'big girl.'

This was Mothers Day, she looked so pretty I had to take her picture. I took her outside and set her in the grass, for whatever reason she would not put her right leg down on the grass. Her left one was fine laying in the grass, any time she dropped her guard and it fell on the grass, she raised it right back up. It was so funny to watch. She cracks me up.

Here, she is a little more relaxed and watching her cousins play, thus her not looking at the camera.

Playing with Mom..."just another day in paradise."
Our Little Sunshine
Such a cute little Lainers!! Or Lainey!! (I love that nickname!!) She is such a sweet beautiful baby, we love her and that brother of hers!!