I had these pictures taken back in September for Elaina's one year old milestone. I only got the two free sheets because while they were cute [simply because she's a doll] they weren't THAT fabulous - this is the FIRST time I haven't purchased photo's taken of Marcus or Elaina...usually I can't NOT have them cuz they are of course all adorable, so I was very proud of myself. Unfortunately she was teething VERY bad and not in the best of moods this day and wasn't a fan of the photographer. This shot she only has her little soft smile but it's sweet just the same.

With all the ones of her happy, I had to go with this one this time because this is her mad side. I figured I have a TON of snap shots of her being cute and funny and happy but this one captured the pouty cry when her hearts broken plus her mad side.
It's amazing to me how quickly things come to her. It has been one of my greatest joys to watch her grow, learn, and develop thus far. I can't imagine how I lived without my Elle for so long. To say she has taught me a lot changed my life and me is an understatement. I'm so greatful I am able to be her Mom. xoxoxo doll face. :)
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