We got a jump start on Easter this year. We don't have Marcus for Easter this year so we decided to go ahead and give the kids their gifts from us a weekend early. The rest of the holiday festivities will happen next weekend but we wanted to do at least part of it together as a family while he was home. They loved their gifts and strutted around Saturday night in their new PJ's and Sunday morning in their new church outfits. Everything Elaina got she jumped up and down yelling with excitement and saying, "Yes!" I love her ability to be happy with the 'little' things in life and to be grateful for what's she been given.

Marcus and Elaina in their new pajamas. Marcus thought his baseball pajamas were pretty darn cool and he looked so cute in them too! Elle loves her new Minnie ones. I'll never forget her jumping around with pure excitement for a pair of pajamas and Spring clothes/shoes. I love seeing the world through children's eyes.

They LOVED their new PJ's! Elaina strutted around showing everyone home how cute she was. I didn't realize I got Capri pants for her but I did and they are pretty dang cute on her!

The loves of my life, all decked out! I love this picture and how good they all look. I am almost 38 weeks pregnant so I didn't buy anything new for me just yet. Feeling VERY pregnant and swollen, I opted to not be in the pictures this day. :)

My boys looking all
slic. Manny has been wanting a new suit for a couple of years now. With the upcoming baby blessing it was a good excuse to have it so we got him one for his birthday and Christmas. We actually got a great deal and he got two for the price of one. I really wanted Marcus to have a suit to match Daddy and his brother too so we decided to go ahead and buy him one for Easter, turning the big 5 this year also I thought it'd be fun to take his milestone pictures in style too. He's not into getting clothes vs toys as most kids are so I was worried he'd be just blah about it but he LOVED it and felt so handsome in it. He kept saying it was his favorite suit ever and loved he got a zipper tie like his cousins. We couldn't believe how he looked like such a little man in it, fun to see but also hard to watch him grow so fast! He is well on his way to becoming a young man and it's coming up all too soon.

This one was for Manny. One day Marcus will be as tall or taller [if he keeps growing at the rate he is.] Years from now, he can look, see and remember the day when Marcus was just a little guy next to him. :)

I just love these little faces. We're so pleased you both liked your gifts.

Laughing at Daddy...I think it's funny how Marcus always goes to play with Elaina's hair during pictures if we are doing crazy, silly stuff to try and get their natural smiles.

Daddy's girl

It's killing me how fast they are both growing up. Seems like yesterday we just brought her home from the hospital and look what a little lady she's growing into.

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