So this is very much so past due but I've really got to back track on a few of my blogs just because they are important milestones for my family. One day I'll turn my blog post into a book so I can't have the BIG moments's hoping I can do better to keep these up to date once I get caught up.
We had Elaina's family birthday party the Sunday before her actual birthday and it was a blast! She was so happy and cute the whole weekend. The Saturday before her party her two nephews had a camp out for a boys night...they did just 'boy stuff' during the day but she thought she was hot stuff hanging out with
Spidey, Batman, and
Hogle Zoo Boy. Here are some snap shots of her the day of her party, with her presents and her actual birthday where we went to the zoo with two of her aunts and her cousin, Justin! Fun week!

Saying cheese for the camera! Yes, the following night when I was taking a picture of them in the tent Marcus says, say cheese and without skipping a beat, Elaina grins real big and says, "CHEESE!" She had a big audience here and was drinking it up!

Elaina's 1st Birthday Cake - Made with love by Mommy

A long time tradition in our family is to have a cake ONLY for the birthday girl [or boy] on their first birthday just for them to 'destroy.' This was Elaina's very own birthday cake.

She loved her new toy box, she kept wanting to climb in and play so finally we let her, wasn't long before one of her buddies was in their too.

She just beamed ear to ear while we sang to her. Was so happy and clapping her hands...she was also captivated by the flames on her cake!

Manny was in charge of the video camera and there was a technical difficulty with it so I don't have footage of her. She was hesitant to start with and then got the hang of it and loved it! Then her Daddy gently pushed her face in it and she was mad to begin with and then just dug in since she was already dirty I guess. :)
Gettin' the hang of it!

So I could remember what all she got I took her picture with all of her gifts. She was playing with Marcus and not to happy to have to take a time out here but I had to get things cleaned and organized so it was then or never....

Marcus started singing to her and she started to come around...before long she was happy, her though she's
in between being happy and mad still.

The Big Day! Manny, Marcus, Elaina, Me, Justin, and Jessie
Aunt Jessie and Aunt Amy took the day off to come to the zoo with us! It was a lot of fun having them and Justin with us to celebrate the big 1! [The sun was blaring and I couldn't keep my eyes open to save my life so this is a horrible picture, but it's the only one I have so here we are.]

Aunt Amy with Justin, Marcus and Elaina

Mommy and Elaina checking out the Elephants! One of our favorites!

Justin and Elaina...stroller
cruizin buddies.

Checking out the bears! Another of our favorites!

Aunt Jessie and Justin

Playing around on the big elephant that startled the kids...they looked so concerned, it was pretty funny to watch their reaction.

Getting ready to check out the rhino's. Not in the zoo 10 minutes and she already had her socks and shoes off. Guess that's what happens when you have babies that time of year. They were too small to HAVE to have shoes on all the time during the summer, since she didn't like them on I didn't make her wear them during the summer because I don't like shoes...took awhile to get her use to wearing them but we are getting there slowly.
Stopping at the
ol' water whole.

Aunt Amy and Elle checking out the big cats!

Aunt Bun Bun and Marcus
-hitchin' a ride :)

Justin and Elaina...they weren't too sure about these things.

Can you tell he has had his picture taken a bunch. He posed himself here and told me to take his picture. Good work Marcus! I've taught you well
lil' Buckaroo!

On her birthday Elaina was cruising everywhere as long as she was holding onto
something. It's not that she couldn't, it's that she wouldn't until SHE was ready! She says Dad, Mama, Cheese, Hi, Bye, she waves bye and blows kisses. When it's time for her bath she always steps out of her
PJ bottoms and will reach to put her arms in the sleeves when getting dressed. She's been doing the latter two since she was about 10 1/2 months and has been drinking from a straw since about 9 months. She's learned to do a lot of things by one! Her pediatrician said kids that have a bigger vocabulary usually
walk later and vice
versa so she wasn't concerned about it. I wasn't either as I know like with everything else, she will do it WHEN SHE IS READY and not on anyone
else's time frame. So her she is finally humoring me and standing up pretending to walk and taking 2-3 steps before she refuses to do anymore! You are a stubborn and independent little one Elle. I don't know where you get that from.

Going for a walk with Mommy and
Measuring up to the apes! They have this new measuring chart which I hadn't seen...Marcus thought it was great! Elaina was a good little
mimic and did exactly as Daddy and her big brother did.

To end the festivities we stopped at Cafe Rio for dinner! We are singing happy birthday to her here and she is eating it up! LOVED the whole thing!

She was EXHAUSTED by the time we got home. Justin went and laid in her crib and Elaina crashed on Marcus' bed! She had too much fun!
Manny and I took Marcus to the zoo on his birthday. Since it was perfect season to go on hers that's where we decided to go to make it a tradition. We had a lot of fun spending time with one another and are so thankful to have our little Elaina, "Lainer, Lainey, Elle." I don't know what we ever did without her! Thank you for a wonderful year Elaina and for all the joy, peace, happiness, and love you bring to all of our lives! We sure do love you and are so grateful you belong to us. I can't believe a year has already flown by! "Can I keep you?"
Yay!! You got it on here!! \"/ Happy Birthday to our sweet little Lainers!! We love you girly!!
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