Oh darn. I got this one in the wrong place but here's her with all her gifts, minus her new wheels! So spoiled [loved] Elaina. I hope more than the nice gifts you received, you remember you have a family who loves and supports you in all you do! That is more valuable than ANY thing anyone of us could have bought you [even though all the nice cute clothes and other gifts and necessities were nice and VERY much appreciated. You are very blessed to have a family that loves and adores you! Don't ever forget that.]
Mommy and Elaina on her birthday at Chili's! She got to share some of my DP...another generation started. ;) Not the best picture of her but she's getting hopped up on DP and it's her birthday so the Mama let her!
I cannot believe you are already 2 young lady. You have taken us on more adventures and thrills than I could have ever hoped for and it's been 2 short years. Popi and I have loved watching you grow and develop. It's been esp. fun lately to watch as you learn to talk and is always amazing and a surprise when you just repeat a word we didn't know you knew. You have developed quite the attitude and personality. You are THE sweetest, most thoughtful, caring little thing but you also have a a saucy, sassy side too, kind of like your Mama. ;) You love purses, shoes [you love wearing Mommy's shoes around plus you always show off your shoes to ANYONE who will look], cell phones, Minnie Mouse is your FAVORITE but you also like the Princesses and TinkerBell. You love Cafe Rio (and their mints) and whenever we drive by a Rio, you shout, "Mommy, Daddy...Rio!" and throw your arms up in excitement. You love going for drives and special trips in the car esp with Popi and "Maca" -your word you CREATED for Grandma. You crack me up when you turn your cell phone backwards and say, "Cheese." If that's the worst thing I teach you, I can definitely live with that. ;) You have a very kind and tender heart, you get HEARTBROKEN if Daddy or Papa tell you no or scold you! It's the end of your world and looking at your face I can feel the pieces of your little heart just breaking. You love your Papa and Daddy, you've had both of them wrapped around your little finger since the day you were born. You take such good care of your Papa. One example is if you see his oxygen has come apart, you immediately pick it up and say all frustrated/worried, "Papa." and run it straight to him-I know you've watched "Maca" and I do this over and over and it kills me how cute you are every time I see you do it. Your buddies include: Papa, Maca, Marcus, Justin, Megs, Josh, Emmy, and Jaxon. [Besides Justin, I think you and Papa and Maca get into the most mischief together.] You love ALL your cousins, Aunts and Uncles and frequently call them on your phone to talk and say hi. You LOVE spicey foods including chips and SALSA which you have been known to drink on more than one occasion!
For these reasons and SO MANY others, you have forever captured my heart and I will love and cherish you for eternity as I know your Popi does too. Thanks for being our ray of sunshine when things go wrong or get hard. You are truly a blessing to all who are lucky to be a part of your life.
My Love Forever, Mommy xoxo
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