It all started January this year with a very strong impression it was time for baby #3. Elaina still being pretty small at 16 months I wasn't really ready to have another one. The feeling persisted ALL year long. It was very frustrating seeing how Manny was out of work for 5 months the beginning of the year, I didn't feel like it was the responsible thing to do to get pregnant when he was out of work and not knowing what the future would bring. In May, I couldn't deny the feelings any longer so I called my OB's office to see about when I could have my IUD out. Soonest I could get in was July 28th. I figured it'd take 2-3 months to conceive like they said it does with most woman [even though you idealy can get pregnant right away] so getting pregnant in September or October seemed perfect. This baby had other plans though. ONE month and he's on his way, guess they were really in a hurry to get here after all. The end of August I was EXTREMELY tired, dizzy, and had brief moments of nausea. I remember sitting for a patient at work wondering why I was so tired and not feeling so hot. I kept telling myself surely it wasn't that I was PREGNANT already but thought about how I was with Elaina and then knew that I was. Elaina's 2nd birthday was coming up soon so I decided to wait to take a pregnancy test the day of her birthday so we'd officially find out on a special day. On Elaina's birthday, we got home from Chili's for her birthday dinner and I headed to take the test. About a half a second and it was very much POSITIVE. Manny and the kids were their room talking so I took it in to show him and we just told them right then. They were SO excited. I don't know that Elaina really knows what it meant but she was sure EXCITED. Marcus yelled, "I get to name it. If it's a boy it's Tiger, if it's a girl it's Tiger!"

September 2nd, the day we officially found out, too excited to wait. My plan was to order T-Shirts for both the kids to wear to Sunday dinner to make their big announcement. Marcus' would have said, "I'm going to be a BIG brother, again!" and Elaina's would have said "I'm going to be a BIG sister!" We wanted to wait to make Marcus a part of it but we wouldn't have him again for another 2 weekends because of the holiday; factoring in Manny's big mouth and the fact he can't keep a secret we decided to go ahead and tell Grammy and Papa the big news and tell the rest of the family that Sunday. My ghetto sign isn't a cute T-Shirt but at least it was somewhat creative vs Manny just spilling the beans. We wanted the kids to make the announcement and since I couldn't get a T-Shirt made in 2 days, this worked.

Here's a few of the families reactions to Elaina telling the them about her big news! I love the expressions on the kids faces!

So proud! She was so cute prancing around showing everyone her big news!
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